Five tips to make your safari trip a success

The new Lion King movie is now out in cinemas! Before we all rush to the cinema, we got thinking about the closest we ever come to seeing lions in here, which is with our customers’ fantastic safari shots!

We’ve sunk our teeth into this genre, so here’s some top tips on photographing lions and other safari wildlife!

1: Respect the circle of life

It won’t surprise you that wildlife is… well, wild! Before you bring out the camera, you have to learn how to keep your distance and treat your subjects with respect. Remember, you’re stepping into your subject’s territory, try and leave it like how you found it.

Make sure you don’t approach animals directly, and don’t look them directly in the eye if you are close enough. A long telephoto lens can be really handy in these situations, so you can keep your distance while still capturing amazing images.

2: Strength in numbers

If it’s your first trip to a new location, you should probably go with someone who’s already familiar with the area. Safari professionals will know the surroundings better than most and they’ll be able to point you to the best photography opportunities, as well as making sure you find your way back!

These professionals will know where certain animals are at different points in the day and can mean you capture some stunning wildlife shots and don’t leave disappointed.

3: Know your gear

There are so many great opportunities when photographing on safari. So, bringing things like a tripod for long exposure shots or a zoom lens so you don’t get too close to your subjects can result in you capturing spectacular images.

Spare batteries and memory cards also come in handy. You don’t know how long you’ll be out in the field so it’s always best to be prepared and make sure you don’t miss a single opportunity!

4: Don’t forget your surroundings!

The subjects of your photograph are fascinating, but remember an image can look so much better if you take a step back and feature the animal’s surroundings. You’re far away from home in a spectacular landscape that can sometimes be more interesting than the animals!

Including the surroundings can provide your shots with a burst of colour and become a pivotal part of your image’s story. Remember, you’re capturing an image of an animal in their natural habitat, so it might be beneficial to your images to show your subject’s home.

5: Get your timing right

Dusk and dawn can be great times of the day for capturing amazing images – they’re known as the magic hours for a reason! Depending on what you’re seeking to photograph, these times can be your best chance for great results. These are also the coolest times of the day, so you’ll have an easier time shooting without working in incredibly high temperatures.

The perfect way to display your photography

With Loxley Colour, there are so many different ways you can display your wildlife photography. A popular choice with clients is to choose from our extensive framing range. A professionally framed image can be the perfect way to display your work and impress and entice clients.

Key features:

Discover the perfect frame to suit your wildlife photography and start offering stunning framed prints to boost your sales.

Show us your wildlife shots

Share your recent wildlife trips with us! We’re always excited to see what our customers have been up to.

We hope you found these tips useful if you’re about to set out on your first safari trip. If you’re not about to go safari, we hope you found this interesting anyway!

Enjoy the Lion King, Team Loxley can’t wait to see it this weekend!