Introducing custom sized online prints!

NEW custom sizes

We’ve just expanded custom sizing into our prints range!

Order your prints via the Loxley Colour website and you can select whatever size you want, no matter the print finish or mount option.

Choose your bespoke sizes.

You can now order your Photographic or Giclée Fine Art prints with custom sizing. Already available with wall products and framed prints, custom sizing means you no longer need to crop your images down to fit a pre-set size. You’ve now got the freedom to create gorgeous prints for clients or yourself.

NEW custom print sizes

All 12 of our high quality print finishes across both the Photographic and the Giclée Fine Art ranges are available with custom sizing. The minimum custom size for Photographic Prints is 12×12″, with no minimum on Giclée Fine Art.

You can also add mounts to your custom prints, so you still have all the choice in prints you had before, but now in a wide range of sizes.

Select the precise size of your image and then you can pick the width of your optional border. The online builder will calculate the overall dimensions of your print so you don’t have to.

NEW custom print sizes

Photographic Prints

Print your images on stunning Fuji paper, with a selection of finishes. Find the perfect way to display your image from this collection and provide clients with a professional print.

Key Features:

  • Four print finishes including NEW Photographic Velvet
  • Up to seven mount options
  • Same-day dispatch if ordered before 1pm*
  • Minimum size is 12×12″

NEW custom print sizes

*Does not apply to mounted prints.

Browse the Photographic collection >

Giclée Fine Art Prints

A series of archival print finishes that retain their tonality. These long-lasting prints have tactile finishes to them so you can offer clients something extra special.

Key Features:

  • Eight print finishes
  • Turnaround in three working days
  • Mounting options available

NEW custom print sizes

See the Giclée Fine Art finishes >

NEW ratio fixing

A new feature to custom sizing is the ratio fixing option. Choose the width of your print and this handy new function will automatically adjust the height while maintaining your original image ratio.

NEW custom sizes


Just tick the ‘ratio fix’ box when you select custom sizing and it will fix the height box to whatever width you choose.

Customise more

Prints are only the latest from our huge product collection to have custom sizing. You can also customise framed prints – this feature is available across our entire award-winning frame collection. Find out more and order your custom frames.

NEW custom sizes

Custom sizing is also available with select wall products. Fill up that blank space on your studio wall with a custom sized display or offer clients any size so they can hang their wall product anywhere in the home. Discover which products are available with this handy option.

Try custom sizing

If you haven’t tried out our new custom sizing function, discover how easy it is to get the precise size you want and order today.